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Our Future



Our Future



Our Future



Our Future



Our Future



Our Future



Our Future

Discover the tools available to further our region’s priorities.

Select a priority below.

Reduce Commuting Costs
Improve Water Quality
Support Local Farms
Grow Jobs Closer to Home
Increase Housing Choices
Increase Transportation Choices
Maximize Return on Public Investment
Improve Air Quality
Improve Access to Parks and Open Space
Support Our Communities

View the Preferred Regional Growth Concept—an illustration of how the priorities can be realized.


It was interesting to get the views of some people from each part of the county—north, east, south, west—all in one place, on one map.

Elias McMurry, Statesville Senior High and Iredell County Youth Leadership Council


Our future is really bright—a lot of companies will come here because of our location, and we’ll have more jobs.

Thomas Brown, Statesville Senior High and Iredell County Youth Leadership Council


The process felt kinda like how I like to think democracy should work.

Eldewins Haynes, Charlotte DOT Air Quality Specialist


It’s impressive how people can come together, and have fun, mapping out the future of their communities! It’s also important that the need for more townhomes and apartments for young professionals surfaced; it’s what we need to be able to grow our economy.

Korrie Becht, Planner, City of Shelby


Some cities that had an initial growth spurt have been defined by their lack of a good plan to prepare for that growth. Our big growth in this region is ahead of us and we have a chance to get this right the first time.

Pat Riley, CEO, Allen Tate Companies


The future depends on what we do as individuals today—that we all work together to make this community a better place.

Aadithya Nair, Ardrey Kell High School


We can all say we were a part of this, that my voice was there. And it’s important to have a voice.

Darbah Skaf, Executive Director, Statesville Housing Authority


This project connected two states with diverse backgrounds in planning for the future of the Carolinas. It allowed us to think regionally on the issues we are facing and how we could lay the foundation for improving and sustaining our economy, natural resources, and new developments in the area. Overall this project enabled everyone to cooperate together to find solutions and resources to make our region and our communities viable for the future.

Penelope G. Karagounis, Planning Director, Lancaster County, SC


We have many different races, religions, and cultures here, and we need to be sure that we make Charlotte attractive to all of them! And get more youth involved in planning.

Rickey Burch, Butler High School


The challenges faced throughout our region do not recognize the various group boundaries in which we generally function therefore must be met in a more unified manner.

Doug Echols, Mayor, City of Rock Hill, SC


We need to preserve the culture of the Carolinas and Iredell County. We don’t want to build up so much we lose that.

Lexie Elliott, Statesville Senior High and Iredell County Youth Leadership Council


CONNECT Our Future has given us two things we’ve really needed, whether we’re from Albemarle or Rock Hill--the data and the tools we need to grow stronger communities, and a framework to discuss regional growth policy issues with our state and federal officials.

Albemarle City Council Member Martha Sue Hall, Past CCOG Chairman


Across 14 counties and two states, through thousands upon thousands of interviews, meetings and collaborative efforts both public and private, CONNECT has diligently searched the heart of our region for the truth of where we are and the home we wish for our children. Here’s the most important thing…we found our Regional Voice. The best is yet to come.

Michael Johnson, Chair, Centralina Council of Governments (CCOG)


We shouldn’t over-industrialize our county. We don’t want to lose the views that people come here to see. We don’t want black skies.

Dawson Reese, Statesville Senior High and Iredell County Youth Leadership Council


Our region has grown, continues to grow, and is now so interconnected that we no longer have the luxury of being only concerned with our own sphere of influence. CONNECT, through our Councils of Government, has established the planning framework that will serve our local jurisdictions and the entire bi-state region far into the future.

Steve Willis, County Administrator, Lancaster County, SC


I was quite a skeptic coming into this long-term planning process. Then I saw the extent of the public input, especially the interest and contribution of thousands in hands-on, map-driven, in-person, full-on participation. The process became the midwife to the birth of a preferred community Vision, then helped craft the tools for us to make the Vision a Reality if we have the leadership to do it. I became a believer.

Lisa Lee Morgan, President and CEO, Calor Energy


As Charlotte and Mecklenburg County grow, they need to grow together, so that growth is balanced.

Jason Kerman, North Mecklenburg High School


All fourteen counties are part of the SAME region, and it is obvious that the enormous amount of data we collected during the last three years and the numerous conversations we had throughout the project will strengthen us as we prepare for OUR future.

Dr. Edward J. Lee, Chair, Catawba Regional Council of Governments (CRCOG)


We’re part of what’s going to be a mega-region, and if we want to preserve what we love about our towns, and get the best of the growth that’s coming, we MUST plan together for it. Accidental growth is not an alternative that we’d want to live with, or leave our children.

Mayor Max Hopper, Town of Earl


I felt I belonged to a community that cared about the future. It felt fantastic to see our diverse community working together for one goal.

Dr. Rosanna Saladin-Subero, PhD, Assistant Director for Community Partnerships and Family Engagement, Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools


It was interesting to get the views of some people from each part of the county—north, east, south, west—all in one place, on one map.

Elias McMurry, Statesville Senior High and Iredell County Youth Leadership Council


Our future is really bright—a lot of companies will come here because of our location, and we’ll have more jobs.

Thomas Brown, Statesville Senior High and Iredell County Youth Leadership Council